Helm Maintenance

The module github.com/vshn/appcat/v4/pkg/maintenance/helm provides generic logic to update helm releases based on a path, containing the tag path in the values and a version comparison strategy.

A very simple helm based maintenance can look like this:

myserviceURL = "https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/myorg/myservice/tags/?page_size=100"

// DoMaintenance will run service's maintenance script.
func (r *Redis) DoMaintenance(ctx context.Context) error {
	patcher := helm.NewImagePatcher(r.k8sClient, r.httpClient, logr.FromContextOrDiscard(ctx).WithValues("type", "myservice"))

	return patcher.DoMaintenance(ctx, myservieURL, helm.NewValuePath("service","image", "tag"), helm.SemVerPatchesOnly)

The example above is based on some imaginary service, but it could be applied to any service, that adheres to semver and where only automatic patch updates are desired.

It’s easy to provide custom VersionComparisonStrategy functions to the DoMaintenance() function.